NEG8 Carbon Awarded EIC Seal of Excellence

Irish company, NEG8 Carbon, continues to demonstrate distinction in its Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology by being awarded the European Innovation Council (EIC) Seal of Excellence.  

The Waterford based carbon capture tech company submitted a proposal to the EIC under the Horizon Europe call Accelerator programme, titled “Cost-Efficient Direct Air Capture: Reversing Climate Change by Efficiently Removing Atmospheric CO2. 

Horizon Europe is considered the core programme for research and innovation in the EU to fight climate change. By investing in the skills and technology at the forefront of this endeavour, the EU aims to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals while promoting the EU as a centre of scientific development and economic growth. 

The EIC Accelerator programme falls under Horizon Europe and awards funding to start-ups and SMEs that show potential to create new markets or disrupt existing ones with truly innovative business models and products. 

Since its inception in 2021, the EIC Accelerator programme has received 7697 applications with 589 being awarded funding – 7.6% – making it a highly competitive space.

Ray Naughton, Founder and Managing Director of NEG8 Carbon, commented:

“Receiving the Seal of Excellence from the European Innovation Council is a significant acknowledgment of the quality and innovation behind NEG8 Carbon’s technology and team. This prestigious award is highly valued, as it is only granted after a rigorous and independent validation process conducted by industry experts.” 

What is the EIC Seal of Excellence?

The Seal of Excellence is a significant certification that validates the quality of a company’s proposal submitted to the Commission. This recognition underscores the recipient’s reputation and serves as a bridge, connecting proposals with potential funding opportunities beyond the initial EU programme. 

Outstanding Quality of Proposals Awarded the Seal of Excellence Opens doors for Investment 

This certificate is only bestowed upon proposals that meet exacting quality standards but due to budgetary constraints were unable to secure funding through the programme. By awarding the Seal of Excellence, the EU endorses these proposals as exemplary and worthy of financial support.  

Besides the honour of receiving the Seal of Excellence, this powerful testament creates opportunities for alternative funding sources in the EU and elsewhere as the EIC’s proposal assessment is a thorough, recognised and respected process. 

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Interested in NEG8 Carbon’s CO2 capture technology?

Contact the NEG8 Carbon Team